In Muire Gan Smál Presentation Primary School we are actively passionate about sport! We as a school, encouraged by our Active School Committee are working very hard towards achieving our Active School Flag. Be Active, Be Healthy, Be Happy is our motto! Our school offers a wide variety of fun, physical activities for all pupils to enjoy! We greatly encourage team sports in our school which commits your child to regular exercise, which helps boost immunity and contributes to overall physical health. Children build friendships with other children and their coaches, which is a great way for your child to expand their social skills and understand expectations. Here is a list of the sports we offer to our students in Muire Gan Smál.
Ms.Sweeny and Ms O’ Leary coach the school football team. In April we participated in the Cuman na Bunscoil mini seven in Castleisland Desmonds GAA Grounds. We played Scartaglin N.S, O Brennan N.S and Gaelscoil Aogán N.S on the day! Great fun was had by all! The girls showed great teamwork and represented their school, Muire Gan Smál very well.
Tommy O’ Connor coaches our school basketball teams. We have both a senior and a Junior team. This year we have taken part in the Farranfore Basketball Blitz for Primary Schools in February. We also took part in the Annual Christmas Blitz in Castleisland. Both teams did very well.
Our Badminton team coached by Ms Sweeny travelled to Dublin to take part in the All Ireland Schools Badminton Competition with the badminton team from The Boys National School. The girls played brilliantly and really enjoyed their day!
Ms Sweeny and Ms O’ Leary coach the school Spike Ball Team. We take part in the local Spike Ball tournaments in Kerry.
Every Monday after school Play Ball coach Pa Murphy takes the Junior classes for Play Ball sessions in the school Halla. The children really enjoy these activities led by Pa.
Ms. O’ Leary and Michelle organised a Keep Fit Class for the Senior classes in the school. Each Monday after school the children got the opportunity to try out different sporting activities, exercises and dances which we all thoroughly enjoyed!
Aistear is thecurriculum framework for children frombirth to six years in Ireland. It provides information for adults to help them plan for and provide enjoyable and challenging learning experiences, so that all children can grow and develop as competent and confident learners within loving relationships with others. Aistear describes the types of learning (dispositions, values and attitudes, skills, knowledge, and understanding) that are important for childrenin their early years, and offers ideas and suggestions as to how this learning might be nurtured. Aistear is one of the highlights of our school day in the Junior InfantClassroom. Working on a new theme each month they learn new vocabulary,develop their problem solving skills, work as part of a team as well as developingcommunication and play skills. It is a fabulous resource to have in the school andboth teachers and children are really enjoying and gaining from the experience.Aistear is based on 12 principles of early learning and development.
1. The first group concerns children and their lives in early childhood:
2. The second group concerns children’s connections with others:
3. The third group concerns how children learn and develop:
These are:
Discover Primary Science and Maths (DPSM) is the national programme, run by Science Foundation Ireland, to foster interest in science, technology engineering and maths amongst children in primary schools. The schools investigates the signs of Spring with theGreenwave project. The schools has visited and invited speakers from Discover Science centres. We have been awarded 7 Science Foundation Ireland Discover Science & Maths Awards. All classes are involved in scientific investigations, using ICT and maths, trips, speaker visits, presenting at or attending the science open day in the school and science week.
School Excellence Fund - Digital: (Digital Learning Clusters): The purpose of the project is to demonstrate the innovative use of digital technologies in teaching, learning and assessment, through clusters of schools collaborating on specific projects Our project is “STEM for girls at all levels” – To encourage a positive experiential outcome in STEM subjects using Digital Technology amongst female subjects. The project will run from 2018 for the next 3 years and has a fund of €20.,000 euro. We’re in a cluster with Presentation Secondary School and two other primary schools.
We encourage our pupils to participate in many local and national initiatives, including -
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